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SCI 写作不得不说的万能句型
阅读:1219次 | 来源:生物学霸 | 2016/9/13 9:13:11


1. One of the most significant current discussions in legal and moral philosophy is ......

2. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the .....
3. X is the leading cause of death in western industrialised countries.
4. X is a common disorder characterised by ......

5. Xs are one of the most widely used groups of antibacterial agents and ......

6. Xs are the most potent anti-infammatory agents known.

7. X is an important component in the climate system, and plays a key role in Y.

8. In the new global economy, X has become a central issue for ......

9. In the history of development economics, X has been thought of as a key factor in .......

10. The issue of X has received considerable critical attention.

11. X is a major public health problem, and the cause of about 4% of the global burden of disease.

12. X is an increasingly important area in applied linguistics. 13. Central to the entire discipline of X is the concept of ....... 14. X is at the heart of our understanding of ......


1. However, these rapid changes are having a serious effect ......

2. However, a major problem with this kind of application is ......

3. Lack of X has existed as a health problem for many years.

4. Despite its safety and efficacy, X suffers from several major drawbacks:

5. However, research has consistently shown that first year students have notattained an adequate understanding of ......There is increasing concern that some Xs are being disadvantaged ......

6. Despite its long clinical success, X has a number of problems in use.

7. Questions have been raised about the safety of prolonged use of ......


1. To date various methods have been developed and introduced to measure X:

2. In most recent studies, X is measured in four different ways.

3. Radiographic techniques are the main non-invasive method used to determine ....

4. Different authors have measured X in a variety of ways.

5. Previous studies have based their criteria for selection on ......

6. A variety of methods are used to assess X. Each has its advantages and drawbacks.

7. Data were gathered from multiple sources at various time points during the 2007–2008 academic year.


1. The semi-structured approach was chosen because ......

2. Smith et al (1994) identify several advantages of the case study, .......

3. It was decided that the best method to adopt for this investigation was to ......

4. A case study approach was chosen to allow a ......

5. The design of the questionnaires was based on ......

6. The X method is one of the more practical ways of ......

7. It was considered that quantitative measures would usefully supplement and extend the qualitative analysis.

8. Many of the distributions were not normal so non-parametric signed rank tests were run. 

9. The X approach has a number of attractive features: ......


1. A strong relationship between X and Y has been reported in the literature.

2. Prior studies that have noted the importance of ......

3. In reviewing the literature, no data was found on the association between X and Y. 

4. As mentioned in the literature review, ......

5. Very little was found in the literature on the question of .....

6. This study set out with the aim of assessing the importance of X in ......

7. The third question in this research was ......

8. It was hypothesized that participants with a history of ......

9. The present study was designed to determine the effect of ......


1. The results of this study show/indicate that .......

2. This experiment did not detect any evidence for ......

3. On the question of X, this study found that ......

4. The current study found that ......

5. The most interesting finding was that ......

6. Another important finding was that .....

7. The results of this study did not show that ....../did not show any 

8. significant increase in ...... 

9. In the current study, comparing X with Y showed that the mean degree of ......

10. In this study, Xs were found to cause .....

11.X provided the largest set of significant clusters of ......

12. It is interesting to note that in all seven cases of this study......


1. This paper has given an account of and the reasons for the widespread use of X ...... 

2. This essay has argued that X is the best instrument to ......

3. This assignment has explained the central importance of X in Y.

4. This dissertation has investigated ......


1. This study set out to determine ......

2. The present study was designed to determine the effect of .......

3. In this investigation, the aim was to assess ......

4. The purpose of the current study was to determine ......

5. This project was undertaken to design ...... and evaluate .....

6. Returning to the hypothesis/question posed at the beginning of this study, it is now possible to state that .....


1. A considerable amount of literature has been published on X. These studies ......

2. There is a large volume of published studies describing the role of ......

3. The first serious discussions and analyses of X emerged during the 1970s with ......

4. The generalisability of much published research on this issue is problematic.

5. What we know about X is largely based upon empirical studies that investigate how ......

6. During the past 30 years much more information has become available on ......

7. In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature on .......

8. A large and growing body of literature has investigated ......


1. Many historians have argued that ...... (eg. Jones, 1987; Johnson, 1990; Smith, 1994)

2. Numerous studies have attempted to explain ..... (for example, Smith , 1996; Kelly, 1998; Johnson, 2002)

3. Recent evidence suggests that ....... (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999; Johnson, 2001)

4. Recently, in vitro studies have shown that T.thermophylus EFTu can ...... (Patel et al., 1997;Jones et al., 1998).

5. Surveys such as that conducted by Smith (1988) have shown that ......

6. Several attempts have been made to ....... (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999; Johnson, 2001)

7. Several studies have revealed that it is not just X that acts on ...... (Smith, 1996; Jones .......

8. Several biographies of Harris have been published. Smith presents an ........ account, whilst Jones .....

9. Several studies investigating X have been carried out on ......

10. Data from several sources have identified the increased morbidity and mortality associated with obesity

11. Previous studies have reported ...... (Smith, 1985; Jones, 1987; Johnson, 1992).

12. Previous research findings into X have been inconsistent and contradictory (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999, ......

13. A number of studies have found that ...... (Smith , 2003; Jones, 2004).

14. Twenty cohort study analyses have examined the relationship between .......

15. At least 152 case-control studies worldwide have examined the relationship between......

16. Other studies have considered the relationship ......

17. The relationship between X and Y has been widely investigated (Smith, 1985; Jones, 1987, .......

18. The causes of X have been widely investigated (Jones, 1987; Johnson, 1990; Smith, 1994).

19. The geology of X has been addressed in several smallscale investigations and .......

20. Xs have been identified as major contributing factors for the decline of many species (1).

21. X has also been shown to reverse the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids in murine- induced arthritis (11).

22. It has been suggested that levels of X are independent of the size of the Y (Smith et al., 1995) It has conclusively been shown that X and Y increase Z (Smith et al., 1999; Jones, 2001 ......

23. It has been demonstrated that a high intake of X results in damage to ...... (Smith, 1998; ......


1. One question that needs to be asked, however, is whether ......

2. A serious weakness with this argument, however, is that ......

3. One of the limitations with this explanation is that it does not explain why...4. One criticism of much of the literature on X is that ......

5. The key problem with this explanation is that ......

6. The existing accounts fail to resolve the contradiction between X and Y.

7. However, there is an inconsistency with this argument.

8. Smith's argument relies too heavily on qualitative analysis of ......

9. It seems that Jones' understanding of the X framework is questionable. Smith's interpretation overlooks much of the historical research ......

10. One major criticism of Smith's work is that .....

11. Many writers have challenged Jones' claim on the grounds that .......

12. X's analysis does not take account of ..... nor does he examine ......


1. Another problem with this approach is that it fails to take X into account.

2. Perhaps the most serious disadvantage of this method is that .....

3. Difficulties arise, however, when an attempt is made to implement the policy.

4. Nevertheless, the strategy has not escaped criticism from governments, agencies and academics.

5. One major drawback of this approach is that ......

6. The main limitation of biosynthetic incorporation, however, is ......

7. However, this method of analysis has a number of limitations.

8. However, approaches of this kind carry with them various well known limitations.

9. All the studies reviewed so far, however, suffer from the fact that .......

10. However, there are limits to how far the idea of/concept of X can be taken.

11. However, such explanations tend to overlook the fact that......

12. However, one of the problems with the instrument the researchers used to measure X was ......


1. Article references were searched further for additional relevant publications. Articles were searched from January 1965 until April 2008.

2. Publications were only included if .......

3. X was prepared according to the procedure used by Patel et al. (1957).

4. The synthesis of X was done according to the procedure of Smith (1973).

5. X was synthesised using the same method that was detailed for Y, using ......

6. This compound was prepared by adapting the procedure used by Zhao et al. (1990).

7. For this study the X was used to explore the subsurface ......

8. An alternative method for making scales homogenous is by using .....


1. The initial sample consisted of 200 students of whom 13 did not complete all of the interviews

2. All studies described as using some sort of X procedure were included in the analysis.

3. A systematic literature review was conducted of studies that .....

4. All of the participants were aged between 18 and 19 at the beginning of the study.....

5. Two groups of subjects were interviewed, namely X and Y. The first group were ......

6. A random sample of patients with ...... was recruited from .......

7. Forty-seven students studying X were recruited for this study.

8. The students were divided into two groups based on their performance on ......

9. The project used a convenience sample of 32 first year modern languages students.

10. Just over half the sample (53%) was female, of whom 69% were ......

11. Participants were recruited from 15 clinics across ......, covering urban and rural areas ......

12. Eligibility criteria required individuals to have received ....

13. Five individuals were excluded form the study on the basis of ....

14. Eligible women who matched the selection criteria were identified by ......

15. Semi structured interviews were conducted with 17 male offenders with a mean age of 38 years

16. A comparison group of 12 male subjects without any history of X was drawn from a pool of .......


1. In order to identify the T10 and T11 spinous processes, the subjects were asked to ......

2. In order to understand how X regulates Y, a series of transfections was performed.

3. To enable the subjects to see the computer screen clearly, the laptop was configured with ......

4. To see if the two methods gave the same measurement, the data was plotted and ......

5. To control for bias, measurements were carried out by another person.

6. To measure X, a question asking ...... was used.

7. To determine whether ......, KG-1 cells were incubated for ......

8. To establish whether ......,

9. To increase the reliability of measures, each X was tested twice with a 4-min break between .......

10. To compare the scores three weeks after initial screening, a global ANOVA F-test was used The vials were capped with ..... to prevent volatisation.

11. In an attempt to make each interviewee feel as comfortable as possible, the interviewer ......


1. For the purpose of height measurement, subjects were asked to stand .....

2. For the purpose of analysis, 2 segments were extracted from each ......

3. For the estimation of protein concentration, 100 μL of protein sample was mixed with ......


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